Confidentiality At Buxmont Counseling

Buxmont Counseling regards client privacy and confidentiality with the highest legal and ethical standards with the understanding that certain limitations apply. These limits include:

  • When your counselor talks about your case with their supervisor or our legal counsel, both our Counseling Director and legal counsel must also follow confidentiality rules.

  • When required by law to report suspected child abuse, spousal abuse, or elder abuse

  • In the case of a child under 18, notification of parent(s) in situations warranting counselor’s concern

  • If you express serious intent to harm yourself or others

  • When we are ordered by a court to do so

  • Should you as the client choose to revoke any portion of the confidentiality agreement, the counselor has the right to terminate counseling at that time.

All records are contained in a locked cabinet in a locked office at all times. 

There are times when it is beneficial for a counselor to speak to another caregiver such as a doctor or another counselor. In this situation, the client will be asked to sign a release of information giving their counselor permission to do so.